Light and Dark

I’m keeping it short and simple this week. 

I’m committed to show up and stay vulnerable here. Because it’s more than just about me. Because if you are reading this, you aren’t alone in the world… and I believe connection is incredibly important.

I feel like I have lived five lifetimes in one. While spending most of the time “waiting for the other shoe to drop” or whatever the saying is. Ryan and I recently had a Harry Potter marathon before the weather started to get warmer. I usually rewatch all the movies about once a year and every year, I get new insights from J.K. Rowling’s timeless characters.

This year a scene between Sirius Black and Harry Potter really struck a chord in me.. 

“I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You’re not a bad person. You’re a very good person, who bad things have happened to… We’ve all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”

Light and dark. Good and bad.

I personally believe all humans are born inherently good. If I look into the face of a happy baby, I can almost feel the goodness radiating from them. 

I think there is a reason I love warm weather, sunshine, and the sounds of nature. It feels light, it feels alive.

For almost my entire life, I have believed that I needed to be tough to be lovable. Tougher skin, tougher shell, tougher personality. And with that I developed the cold exterior that fringes darkness.

But I learned what I truly long for is softness. Warmth. Femininity. Light.

I’m lighting a lamp in the darkness of my soul. And I’ve never felt so alive.

That's all for now,


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