This Is Just the Beginning


adjective. Of undisputed origin; genuine.

The truth is… we don’t want to listen to what people are trying to tell us. It’s hard. We have enough going on inside our own brains. Instead, we have conversations where we talk about the weather or our weekends. Small talk, elevator talk, whatever you call it, I hate it. Most times I’d rather sit in the silence.

Small talk is painful for me. I can do it, and I have to be good at it for my job, but it doesn’t mean that I enjoy it!

On the other hand though, I love having deep conversations with people who speak with emotion and conviction. People who aren’t afraid to speak about their fears, their desires, what makes them happy, angry, or sad. I want to hear about what lights your fire, what you are passionate about, and who your favorite people in the world are.

I understand this sounds intense. And I’m not saying that right after I introduce myself I ask you what you are most proud of and how that has affected your life. That would be weird.

I’m just saying that I like real connections with real people. Not pretend niceness.

I love the rawness. The authenticity. Leaning into the uncomfortable. Facing adversity. This is what Into the Crosswinds is about. 


I look forward to writing about the real stuff life throws at us. I also hope to provide insight in different areas of my life, with the intent to help you navigate similar challenges.

I am placing value into who I am and am focused on what I can bring to the table in the most authentic way possible.

This is just the beginning.



The Journey to Joy - How To Feel Joy Again When it Feels Lost