5 Signs Your Body is Telling You to Slow Down

woman wearing brown trench coat running on city sidewalk, blurry and out of focus

This blog post is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, please seek help immediately.

The high achievers of this world tend to run headfirst into brick walls.

A hypothetical of course. But pretty accurate.

People who are striving to be more, feel more, do more… will push themselves until they have nothing left to give. And then wonder how this could be avoided.

It is often too late when we realize that we should have given a bit less of ourselves to the world; either at work, family, friendships, day-to-day tasks… but it’s a human thing. We push ourselves until we break.

I’m here to help you recognize you are in need of a major reset.

5 Signs Your Body is Telling You to Slow Down

  1. Wake up tired

  2. Loss of appetite

  3. Impulsivity

  4. Brain fog

  5. Illness

Wake up tired.

This is a sign we commonly ignore. Roll out of bed and treat the tired with coffee. I’m a huge fan of coffee, don’t get me wrong, but it is masking the actual issue of sleep debt.

I despise the phrase, “You can sleep when you’re dead.” Like no. Harvard Health says, “you can’t cheat on sleep and get away with it”. If you have read any of my previous blog posts, I could rant all day about how important sleep is for every part of our normal functioning.

Loss of appetite.

A loss of appetite is serious. The body needs nutrition to perform and when it suddenly does not signal for input… that is concerning. A loss of appetite could signal that the body is going into distress/survival mode. And a serious reason to reflect on the internal problems your external stress is causing.


This looks like Starbucks getting your order wrong and you scream at the barista, or your spouse. Somebody cuts you off in traffic and you start to drive erratically. Changing plans last minute… etc. Stress tolerance is non-existent.

Brain fog.

An actual term for the funk when you feel confused, forgetful, difficulty concentrating or making decisions


We all know what illness feels like. Yuck. It can be a reminder of how internalized stress affects our physical bodies. I am a firm believer that our body stores stress the same way it stores poison.

Maybe reading this is what you needed.

Slow down. Be intentional. Make space for restorative activities.

Until next time,


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